Bushdoctor Online Shop: Lerne uns kennen – Dein Experte für Hanf, Cannabis, Growboxen, Bongs, Vaporizer & Smoke-Zubehör.

Welcome to Bushdoctor

We are happy that you are interested in us - the people - behind Bushdoctor.

BushdoctorTeam in Berlin in Mary Jane Messe, das erste Messe nach die legalisierung in Deutschland 2024 Sommer

Over 25 years of experience

With 6 Shops, we are one of the largest hemp shops in Austria. We are dedicated to one of the most valuable plants on earth - hemp, which has been valued as a raw material, food and medicine for thousands of years and whose potential is far from being exhausted

Interview with founder Harald

Founder Harald Schubert at the Mary Jane 2024 in Berlin in an interview with HANF24.TV

Bushdoctor Zentrale in Österreich in Brunn am Gebirge, Shop und Lagerhalle mit die Bushdoctor Hanfprodukte befüllt

Huge selection

Our product range includes a huge selection of hemp products, CBD products, hemp plants, grow equipment, seeds, smoking accessories and vaporizers. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff are always happy to assist you and take the time to answer individual questions.

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